In the midst of ruins, I stand,
Visualizing its potential to transform.
All seems so clear, yet out of hand,
reasons of which I can’t confirm.
An angel comes along, as beautiful as a rose in full bloom,
holds my finger & shows me the way…
Suddenly, there is light in the gloom,
I can see the route clearly, as the darkness is blown away!
I move along that path, never felt alone,
the light doesn’t dim, it can’t, is my belief.
I’m in such a hurry, I need a clone,
transformation of the ruins would bring such relief!
I’m moving so fast, the angel can’t match,
she lets loose her grip on my finger,
I did not realize, was the catch..
now, I stand where, I know not, the place seems so much stranger!
I see the sun set & plan to rest,
hoping to see the angel in the morning next..
I still wait… seen many a crest…
the angel has gone & with her, the sunshine!